Delta Migration: How to transfer newly modified data while migrating to SharePoint

Tzunami Deployer provides a single click delta migration solution.

Delta migration is Deployer’s new approach for data migrations. Admins initiate the delta migration with a single click after which Deployer itself Exports, Reads, Maps, Configures, Restructures and executes all the necessary steps needed to make sure your organization’s latest changes are ready in the new SharePoint.

Tzunami Deployer uses Security, Property and Value mappings from the previous migration by default. Tzunami Deployer provides an option to use a global (custom) mappings across all delta migrations too.

Tzunami Deployer’s SharePoint migration tool saves all the mapping files (Property, Value, Roles, Groups and Entities) when migrating the content from ECM and SharePoint source system to any SharePoint. Those mapping files are re-used, by default, when performing delta migration. Even though Tzunami Deployer uses the previous migration project’s mappings by default, more modification can be added to the mapping file.

Based on existing projects, Deployer identifies and plans the structure of source items that need to be exported and migrates the delta contents (contents that were modified since last export).

The new exported contents will be automatically loaded in Deployer.

Deployer analyzes existing migration reports to figure out which items will be deployed for the incremental migration.

During deployment, project admins do not need to take any action. Deployer will use all the security mapping, property mapping and value mapping files based on the option selected by the admin in previous migration.


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