Migration to Personal SharePoint sites (under ‘My Site’)

Tzunami Deployer supports the migration of content to personal SharePoint sites.  This post provides instructions on migrating content to pre-created My Sites in SharePoint. 

Many of the source ECMs have their own version of SharePoint “My Sites,” such as the Personal Workspaces in Hummingbird, LiveLink etc.  When migrating to SharePoint, it’s useful to transfer the “personal workspace” behavior to each user’s My Site in SharePoint. 

The below example demonstrates how to migrate content to the general area (to ‘My Site’) and/or to the personal ones (/my/personal/User). Deployer allows us to move content to both areas.

1. First, it is important to understand the ‘My Site’ structure as it exists in SharePoint. The site named ‘My Site’ is a general one, and apart from it, each active user has his own space (site) within the ‘My Site’ to put his/her content. These are the personal sites.

In the screenshot below, you can see a standard ‘My Site’from our demo SharePoint web application. You can see that I’m logged into it as my own (non-admin) user (Reout):

2. It appears empty, however to see its content, we will go to: Site Actions > View All Site Content.

3. We can now see the site’s content. We’ve previously created a list named ‘Test list 1’. However, please note that it appears under a tab called ‘My newsfeed’, as shown in the screenshot below. This tab lets us know we are still under the general ‘My Site’ content, that most users can see.

4. Only if we choose the next tab, ‘My content’, we will get to the personal sitecontent (in our case: Reout’s personal site). The below screenshot shows this content (the personal site after clicking the ‘My content’ tab, or the ‘My content’ link in the main Site).

As previously mentioned, this is an entirely new site, and not the same as the general one. We’ve created another list in it, named ‘Test list 2’, to show the difference between the two sites. We can also see that its title is different – The title shows Reout Sagui > My content (and not My Site > Newsfeed).

5.       We now move on to demonstrate the way these are shown in Deployer:

When loading the SharePoint site structure in Deployer, we can choose to either load the general ‘My Site’, or to load the personal site, which is called ‘Reout Sagui’ (the name of the user it belongs to), as shown below.

Note: Keep in mind that we connected to SharePoint as an administrator and not as the ‘Reout’ user. If you don’t see “My Site” or the users’ personal sites, perhaps it is a permissions issue.

We can see that both of the addresses have /my…’. This distinguishes the personal sites from the regular sites. We choose to load both sites into the project:

       a.       The general ‘My Site’ (usually named webapp/my)

       b.      The personal site (named according to the user:  webapp/my/personal/Reout).

               Each user has its own personal one like the one shown.

6.       In Deployer, the content we deploy under the ‘Reout Sagui’ site will go to the personal site.

Using this method, we can migrate the personal content from the source personal spaces, to the SharePoint personal sites – each user can keep his original content.

As you can see, ‘Test List 1’ is located under the ‘My Site’site, and ‘Test List 2’ is located under Reout’s site. This was made to demonstrate the difference between the two.

In our example, we migrated a test folder from Hummingbird DM5 (as a document library), and placed it successfully to my personal site, as shown below.  Only me (Reout) and the site administrators will have access to this content.


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