Tzunami goes SOCIAL!

At Tzunami, we would like to keep you up to date on our latest news and enhancements. Therefore, we are constantly posting on our various social media channels. We’d like to take this opportunity to introduce  you to all of Tzunami’s forums for new content – including demo videos, tutorial guides, FAQs and much more! You can browse through large amounts of content about our products, watch demonstration videos, get good advice for your project or learn more about the Tzunami products.

Our newest addition is the Support Portal . In the portal, you will find a knowledge base with all of our products’ User Guides for your reference, How-to guides with useful instructions, videos of migration demos or simple tutorials, and you can find answers for many Frequently Asked Questions. We at Tzunami always recommend emailing the Support Team with any issue or inquiry, however, the information in the Support Portal is always at your service and can be useful for getting issues resolved faster.

Do you want to be the first to know all about Tzunami’s latest product or new features? You can ‘Like’ us on Facebook, or follow our Twitter and LinkedIn account! Every time we produce a new demo, release a new version, or have news about Tzunami, you can read about it online. Tzunami likes to keep our clients in the loop and let them know about the company news. Tzunami will also announce upcoming events, such as participation in exhibitions and conventions.

Last but not least, you can read about Tzunami in our SharePoint migration Blog. In addition to our latest news and enhancements, you will also find more detailed technical tips about our newly released features, along with general updates. The blog will help you get the best of your migration project, and enhance your knowledge on the Tzunami Deployer migration capabilities.

If you still can’t get enough of Tzunami, our Sales Team will be glad to answer any inquiry you may have about Tzunami and our migration family of products. If you need any technical assistance, our 24/7 Support Team is always just a click away.



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