Ask Dave! Tip #6: Selective loading of content

When loading content into Tzunami Deployer, loading only the exact content that you wish to migrate will make your life much easier. With only the needed content loaded, you can focus your attention on the specific migration that you are currently performing.

Tzunami Deployer Reloading window

In order to facilitate selective loading of content, Tzunami Deployer provide you with several options, that are available both when just connecting to SharePoint, as well as when (re)loading content into the project. These options includes:

  • Turning on/off the reading of sub-sites
  • Selecting the type of lists you wish to load – None of the lists, only libraries or all lists
  • Controlling items versions reading – No items, the last version of each item, or all versions of the items.

With these options in place, performing a “drill-down” reading of your content is very easy:

  1. Connect to SharePoint, and select to load only the Site Collection that you are interested in. Set Tzunami Deployer not to load subsites, lists or versions.
  2. Once the connecting is finished, you can right click any one of the sub sites, and reload it. Again, select not to read any list nor items’ versions.
  3. Repeat the above step until you reach the sub site that contains the content for migration
  4. This time, you can either reload the sub site with all its content, or reload just some of the lists that contain the content you are migrating.


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