Overcoming Challenges in Confluence to SharePoint Migration

Are you finding some challenges during your Confluence migration to SharePoint? Well, you are not alone. Most of the companies underestimate the complexities involved and find them stuck with the problem of broken links and loss of data/metadata. The shift for Confluence migration to SharePoint is more than a technical challenge – requiring careful strategy. However, we will make it easier for you through this blog.

Challenges that comes in Confluence to SharePoint migration 

  1. Data Compatibility: When moving data from Confluence to SharePoint, more often than not, one encounters compatibility issues with the formats. Confluence supports HTML, but SharePoint allows ASPX for web pages, meaning files need to be converted for proper rendering and functionality within SharePoint; otherwise, pages may break or simply not appear correctly.
  2. Losing your Metadata: Metadata, such as tags, categories, or dates, helps organize your content. Unfortunately, during Confluence migration, this critical data can get lost or corrupted which makes it much harder to find and manage content later in SharePoint. Just imagine having to look for that important document in a sea of files with no labels or categories – absolute nightmare!
  3. Accurately Replicating User Permissions : While teams use Confluence collaboratively, one of the common challenges is to have data properly replicated during migration. If users don’t have the same level of access in SharePoint, it may lead to a decline in their productivity and security issues.
  4. Resolving the Links: Links play a major role in Confluence data management, and hence it is equally important to have those links resolved in SharePoint. Tzunami Deployer ensures the links, either internal page links, attachments links or external web links, are migrated and resolved.

These are some common challenges companies face during data migration. While some struggle, others might overcome them with very tactical solutions. But how can you skip the roadblocks and ensure a hassle-free migration process overall?


How can you avoid them?

  1. Strategise and Audit Content: Before jumping into Confluence migration, it’s crucial to evaluate and organize and analyze your Confluence data. Tzunami Deployer’s migration tool offers a detailed pre-migration analysis and report, allowing you to anticipate challenges when moving from a File Server to SharePoint. If you perform in-depth checks, not all data needs to be moved; some can be archived or even deleted to reduce clutter. Creating a clear plan will speed up the migration while also helping maintain the organization in SharePoint post-migration.
  2. Use the Right Tools: For every organization, it’s essential to use a migration tool that ensures data integrity and accuracy. Tzunami Deployer makes migration easier as it automates everything related to the migration process. For example, it preserves the most critical elements of the documents, such as metadata, permissions, and document structure. When selecting a migration tool, you should ensure it offers these essential features for an efficient and error-free migration..
  3. Test and Train: A pilot migration is a vital step before going all-in. By migrating a small set of data first, you can catch issues like broken links or missing content early and fix them before scaling the process. Here’s what our Tzunami Deployer team has to say:
  • Confirm source and target structure addresses (e.g., which source library maps to which SharePoint site).
  • Establish a consistent naming convention for new libraries.
  • Verify user mappings: Are they based on login names, or are there specific policies?
  • Identify target users for mapping just in case the equivalent source user is not available.
  • Define property mapping policies: Which properties will be migrated, and should any missing ones be added to the target?
  • Ensure value mapping: Will choice/multichoice properties from the source align with the target’s metadata, or require custom mappings?

 Lastly, proper user training after migration is very important to ensure your team adapts easily to new features and workflows that SharePoint has introduced.


Closing up

With the above tips, you can definitely avoid mistakes and make a smooth migration. All you need is proper planning, the right set of tools, and user support. For instance, with all the mentioned perks, a combined tool like Tzunami Deployer just breaks ice for you. Additionally, we also offer you a free demo, expert consultation, and advisory on how to effectively manage the migration.

Check out tzunami.com, there you will find various SharePoint migration services for your business.


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