SharePoint online migration is only part of a more global IT effort, that includes SharePoint implementation (obviously), Active Directory migration and cleanup, multiple ECM unification, and so on.
The part of Active Directory migration has a deep impact on SharePoint migration, as it often includes changing of Domain names, or even login names. Users names may change from DOMAIN\first.last into a completely different form, such as COMPANY\last_name. This poses a challenge when migrating content from one SharePoint to another, or even when the same SharePoint is used, but with a new Domain Controller or just a different domain.
This case becomes even more interesting when performing a migration from other systems, such as LiveLink or eRoom, which might have their own users repository, and might not even be connected to any LDAP.
Luckily, Tzunami Deployer is built just for those cases. As part of the content migration, you can easily define a mapping between source users (users that come from the the source system, either from Active Directory or another repository), and target users (users that are available from the Active Directory used in your destination SharePoint).
During the migration process, you will encounter user mapping steps, that will allow you to perform mappings, edit past mappings, or even export and import mapping files.
The Export/Import feature is extremely useful – it generates an XML file that you can edit using Excel (or any other editor) in order to map your users, based on any logic you which. Alternatively, you can generate your own mapping files, and import them into Tzunami Deployer.
Additionally, Tzunami Deployer will provide you with a smart suggestion for the default mapping. This suggestion is smart enough to identify the same username (in case the same Active Directory is used), or even the same login name under different domains.
Lastly, you can always contact Tzunami Support Team in order to get information about enhancing the default users mapping to meet your special needs.